Monday, September 27, 2010

Resident Evil: Afterlife in 3D

My first 3D movie as I had to go to the big city to see one. I didn't have high expectations with this movie plot-wise or acting-wise and was pleasantly surprised when it wasn't too bad. However the 3D didn't seem to agree with me, making me slightly nauseous and left me with a bit of a headache. I'm not sure if it's this movie in particular or the technology in general as I wear glasses for significant near-sightedness and astigmatism. I also found the 3D rather distracting when quick changes were made between shots that had different depths of field. It also made some action sequences hard for me to follow. I'm not sure if 3D is worth another try with a movie with better reviews or if I should just hope this trend goes away soon.

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