Saturday, November 12, 2011

Terra Nova - 1.07 Nightfall

A aerial meteor strike near Terra Nova, accompanied an EMP and sonic wave, causes all the electronics in the colony to fail and physical destruction.

I really can't believe that at least the critical systems weren't hardened against EMPs, especially the defensive systems, medical systems and chip replicator. I wish they would quit bringing up the Shannons' violation of the population control laws as it makes them look like a bunch of selfish, entitled jerks. Why would anyone construct access tunnels be too small for an adult?

Seven out of ten

Terra Nova - 1.06 Bylaw

Jim investigates Terra Nova's first murder.

It's inconvenient when your murder evidence ends up inside a dinosaur.

Seven out of ten.

Terra Nova - 1.05 The Runaway

A girl who ran away from the Sixers comes to stay with the Shannons. Maddy begins an apprenticeship at the infirmary with her mother.

Seven out of ten.

Terra Nova - 1.04 What Remains

A research outpost encounters a new pathogen which causes memory loss and paranoia.

Amnesia shouldn't be used a plot device until regular viewers understand the tragedy, significance and irony of what the characters have forgotten.

Six out of ten.

Terra Nova - 1.03 Instinct

The colony comes under attack from pterosaurs.

I still don't like any of the characters.

Six out of ten.

Terra Nova - 1.02 Genesis, Part 2

The family continues to adjust to their new environment. The Sixers visit the colony. Jim Shannon joins the colony's security force.

The rest of my family refuses to watch any more episodes.

Six out of ten.

Terra Nova - 1.01 Genesis, Part 1

The Shannon family joins the tenth pilgrimage to the Terra Nova colony, 85 million years in the past.

Concept is interesting but the characters seem rather annoying.

Seven out of ten.

Primeval - 5.01 featuring Giant Beetles

An underground creature grabs a worker. Connor learns some of Philip's secrets and Philip introduces him to April. Lester is hoping for a knighthood.

Giant bugs - yuck! - but I liked Becker's tank lust. This incident was a good argument for not having Connor and Abby on the same team.

Seven out of ten.

Primeval - 4.07 With terror birds and a surprise return

At a old prison, that is now a museum, multiple anomalies appear.

Rather liked that Danny Quinn made it home but I'm not sure of the point of Ethan being Danny's missing brother Patrick. Yay, Danny confirms Helen Cutter is dead.

Well, the ending seemed rather ominous.

Eight out of ten.

-Patrick was 14, went through an anomaly 18 years ago.
-Matt's from the future, to prevent to coming sterilizing disaster of the world that wiped out surface life.

Primeval - 3.01 featuring the Egyptian Suncage

An anomaly opens at the British Museum where Sarah Page works. Captain Becker joins the team.

Sort of a shame they didn't use the mythological creatures angle more in season 3.

Seven out of ten.

Primeval - 4.05 featuring the Witchfield Worm

Abby, Connor and Matt travel to Witchfield Cove which has a creature known as the Worm which turns to be a labyrinthodont. Ethan continues to hold Emily captive. Philip offers Connor a position with his company.

I think I missed Becker.

Seven out of ten

Primeval - 4.04 - Featuring Killer Detention

On a Saturday, an anomaly appears at a school and Therocephalians come through. Philip threatens to close the menagerie and euthanize the animals, including Rex.

I rather liked the school - most of mine were drab affairs, with little natural light. Does Becker live at the ARC?

Seven out of ten.

Primeval - 4.03 featuring Time Travellers and Tree Creatures

Three time travellers come through an anomaly seeking medical aid for one of them.

Seven out of ten.

- Gideon is dying, weeks to months to live
- Gideon has been waiting his whole life for it.
- 15 in Emily's group, interfering in another human era is against the rules,
- Lady Emily Merchant, Born 1840 London - travelling with Ethan, dead woman was Charlotte
- Philip has a black project called New Dawn

Primeval - 4.02 featuring Kaprosuchus aka Boar Croc

Abby is allowed back to work in the ARC as the keeper of the Menagerie while Connor isn't allowed back to the ARC as all front line positions are now military.

Why wouldn't they take Connor back into tech as he developed the anomaly detector and closer?  Let alone his qualifications in cryptozoology and paleontology. Matt's motives are rather intriguing - along with Gideon. I liked Jess' flat.

Seven out of ten.

Philip is the one who implemented the military only on the front lines rule. Matt and Lester wanted Abby and Connor back on the front lines.

Primeval - 4.01

Abby and Connor have spent a year surviving in the Cretaceous, hoping to find a way home.

Eight out of ten.

Primeval - 3.10 3rd Season Finale

Danny, Abby and Connor chase Helen in the future anomaly. Sarah and Becker deal with an open anomaly at Johnson's facility.

And this is why time travel is bad and improbable. It gives someone the opportunity to wipe out their entire species.

Helen and the raptor next to the Australopithecus would make quite the confounding find and given that the Australopithecus were probably preserved Helen and the raptor should be too. Maybe Danny hid or destroyed them so they wouldn't fossilize.

Eight out of ten.

Primeval - 3.08 featuring Future Insects

Abby's brother Jack ends up in the future after accidentally going through an anomaly.  Becker, Abby, Connor, And Danny go through the anomaly to the future apparently devoid of humanity and instead populated with giant flying ant/wasp descendants and super predators.

I hate insects.

Seven out of ten.

The Secret Circle - 1.03 Loner

The teen's circle deals with the consequences of having bound their powers. The high school holds a dance.

Seven out of ten.

The Secret Circle - 1.02 Bound

The town prepares for the fair. Cassie finds out more about being a witch and begins to realize why the circle need to be bound.

I like the intergenerational aspect, with the grandparents being involved as well.

Seven out of ten.

The Secret Circle - 1.01 Pilot

A month after her mother's death in a mysterious house fire, Cassie Blake moves in with her maternal grandmother and into her mother's childhood home.

Interesting enough to watch the next episode despite the rather stereotypical teenagers.

Seven out of ten.

Primeval - 3.06 featuring Terror Birds

Christine Johnson takes over the ARC, with Danny, Connor, Abby and Sarah escaping to what they believe is a safe site, but is, instead, an anomaly through which Terror Birds are emerging. Lester is dismissed and Becker is kept on by Christine. Abby's brother holds a poker game in her flat.

Eight out of ten.

Primeval - 3.02 "Gremlins"

Cutter makes a prediction of an anomaly site based on their new model mapping anomalies through history.

Danny Quinn is introduced.

Seven out of ten.

Primeval - 2.07 featuring Leek's Zoo

Cutter, Jenny, Abby and Connor are held by Helen and Leek at Leek's zoo, while Stephen deals with a giant sand scorpion released by Leek unto a beach.

I am still annoyed that Stephen hasn't been brought back to life.

Eight out of ten.

Primeval - 2.05 featuring Giant Scorpions

A teenage girl gets trapped on the other side of an anomaly in desert full of giant scorpions.

Seven out of ten.

Primeval - 2.03 featuring Sabre-tooth Tigers

The team tries to track down a potential Sabre-Tooth Tiger in an amusement park.

Seven out of ten.