Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bones - 8.23 The Pathos in the Pathogens

The remains of an investigative blogger are found mixed in with veterinary bio-hazardous waste after she apparently died from an infection.

Seven out of ten.

I think I would liked this episode more if I didn't spend most of it yelling at the characters to put on more protective gear - especially goggles.

The Vampire Diaries - 4.19 Pictures of You

The Salvatore brothers plan to force Elena to reclaim her emotions. Elijah tests Rebekah's commitment to becoming human again. Bonnie has trouble coming to grip with Jeremy's death. Mystic Falls holds Senior Prom.

Six out of ten.

I just felt bored during most of the show.

The Following - 1.14 The End is Near

Joe plans to leave the cult compound as the FBI is closing in.

Six out of ten.

I find Joe less interesting the more erratically he behaves.

Why would police doing the door-to-door not be familiar with the appearance of known cult member? And I won't even mention the stupidity of no screening for suspects, IDs or apparently weapons at the evacuation centre.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Doctor Who - R7.09 Hide

Clara and the Doctor try to discover the cause of the haunting of Caliburn House.

Seven out of ten.

Seriously, "Hide" hasn't been used a Doctor Who episode title before?

"Every lonely monster needs a companion" - wasn't that essentially the lesson of the Ninth and Tenth Doctors?

Doctor Who - R7.08 Cold War

Clara and the Doctor end up in 1983 aboard a Soviet submarine which has an Ice Warrior aboard.

Seven out of ten.

Castle - 5.21 The Squab and the Quail

Beckett ends up providing protection to a brilliant and charming billionaire inventor after a member of his dinner party is poisoned by mistake.

Seven out of ten.

This episode seemed like primarily set-up for the season finale.

Doctor Who - R7.07 The Rings of Akhaten

After the Doctor investigates Clara's childhood, Clara and the Doctor visit The Rings of Akhaten.

Eight out of ten.