Sunday, September 25, 2011

Doctor Who - R6.11 The God Complex

Amy, Rory and the Doctor become trapped in a hotel where the rooms contain each person's worst nightmare.

After this episode, I just feel mildly ripped off that I didn't find out what was in the Doctor's room.

Oddly, I don't feel that bad about Amy and Rory's departure from the TARDIS except for the fact that Doctor tends to become unbalanced when he travels by himself. You'd think the Doctor would know that by now, that he needs a companion, that the best way to keep everyone in the universe safe is to have a companion, even if he keeps losing them. He should just consider it the lesser of two evils. I'm actually kind of hoping for a regeneration soon as I'm not that crazy about Eleven's persona or companions at this point.

Seven out of ten.

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